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Int 15 Fn 4F  C - Keyboard - Keyboard Intercept (at Model 3x9,xt2,xt286,c  [B]

   AH = 4Fh
   AL = hardware scan code
   CF set

Return: CF set
      AL = hardware scan code
   CF clear
      scan code should be ignored

Note:  called by INT 09 handler to translate scan codes; the INT 09 code does
     not examine the scan code it reads from the keyboard until after
     this function returns.  This permits software to rearrange the
     keyboard; for example, swapping the CapsLock and Control keys, or
     turning the right Shift key into Enter.

See Also: INT 09,INT 15/AH=C0h

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson